Recently, when I approached a local farmer for permission to fly on his land I realised I could do with a decent liability waiver and preferably something printed to explain what paramotor flying involves. Many people haven’t heard of it!

I found a USA site with exactly what I needed and I’ve used it as the basis for a UK waiver. Saved as a double-sided Trifold brochure in Adobe PDF format it may be of use to any of you looking to use farmers fields etc yourselves.

cheers P.Ropsnapper.

DOWNLOAD Landowner’s Waiver and Liability form – Word Document

DOWNLOAD Waiver and Liability Release Brochure for Landowners – Trifold side 1 – Adobe PDF format

DOWNLOAD Waiver and Liability Release Brochure for Landowners – Trifold side 2 – Adobe PDF format